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A Simple Truth

About Me

As a creator, I feel compelled to bring something into the world that was not there before.

Sometimes it's good. Sometimes it's not. 

That's not really the point.

The point is to try and harness the inspiration, to grab those ideas out in the ether,

 and to bring them into the "real" world. And, if my creations turn out just right, I share them.

At the very least, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

As an artist, I work with a wide range of media - glass and metal, paint and water, graphite and ink, wood and resin, words and phrases, and yes, even food. For the last 12 years, my primary focus has been glass. Whether constructing a large stained glass window, or detailing a tiny glass pendant, I am always inspired by the power to transform a space with this fascinating medium.

I am excited and grateful to share this inspiration with you. 

Blue Flower Stained Glass


Spread as much glass goodness as I possibly can.

Inspire others to create intentionally. 

Provide tools of transformation, grace, and healing.

Grow as a creator and as a human. 

Live fearlessly. 


Most of my work originates from a desire to bridge the intangible and the tangible. I use art as a scientific method of sorts to prove concepts that seem to defy our natural laws. Synchronicity, consciousness, emotion, memory, and the human soul are topics I work with and incorporate frequently. 

And sometimes I just like to make pretty things. 

About Me Pic
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